Torgovitsa is a village of Novoarkhangelsk district, Kirovograd region.
Before the Revolution it was a shtetl of Uman uyezd, Kiev province.
I could find very little information about Jews from Torgovitsa
We visited Torgovitsa in 2017 and made few photos of Holocaust mass grave and remains of Jewish cemetery.
According to 1897 census, 1299 Jews lived there (35% of total population).
Before the revolution Jews lived mainly in Novaya street which was up to the Market square.
There were no pre-revolutionary buildings in the village.
Volko Solomonovich Golberg was a teacher in the village before the war. He had daughter Betia and son Yosef.
Shmil (unknown surname) was a worker in the collective farm.
All Jews of Torgovitsa were exterminated during the Holocaust…
When the Jews were driven to the execution, Katerina Aksentyevna Puchkova (1898 – 1976) saved Jew Yakov Gorbatov. All his family was shot. He survived and lived in Kiev after the war.
After the war, relatives of the Jews who had been murdered erected a monument on the place of the shooting.
After the occupation, all the Jews of Torgovitsa were gathered together and shot outside the village. In 2017, a woman who remembered how a column of Jews was driven to be shot still lived in the village. She recalled only one name – Rosa Kozlenko.
After the war, several families returned. These families had small shops situated in the center of the village. Soon they all went away.
During our visit in 2017, no Jews lived in the village.
A synagogue used to be in the place, where Marusya Bagriy’s property is now. It was destroyed after the war.
Jewish cemetery
After the war, stones from the Jewish cemetery were stolen by the local population.